Wednesday, March 26, 2014

AHHmaze: Jurassic Park

I can't wait to see the new Jurassic Park movie.  This is some concept art from Nathan Schroeder that shows Kauai with new Jurassic Park.  The movie is slated for June 2015.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Chinese Sign Language

I was lucky enough to meet a deaf friend in China. And better still, he knew ASL!  I am so excited because this video got 267 views!  I feel like a celebrity.  It's kind of weird to think about the 267 strangers that were creeping on my video.  Just recently, someone commented on my video and I wrote this long ass reply because I was so tickled that someone felt compelled to make a comment.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Street Food in Shanghai

Here's a video of me speaking Chinese...don't laugh!  There was a street food night market just outside my school gates in Shanghai.  You could buy a ton of food for about $2.  We were warned not to eat it but it was cheap and delicious; I could not resist!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

My AHHmaze Free Trip to China!

In 2012, I got an amazing opportunity to study abroad in Shanghai, China for almost half a year.  I applied to the Freeman Foundation study abroad scholarship and was chosen as 1 of 11 community college students to participate in the language intensive program.  In short, it was the most meaningful adventure of my life. This video is a short summary of my experience there. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014


$5,000,000 will buy you your very own island in Florida.  I would have pet dolphins and Ariel would be my underwater bestie! 

 Check it out at:


My new gin drinking cup!

AHHmazeing Grace!

A warning for black women from our friends at the The Blood Of Jesus ATLAH World Missionary Church.  I feel extremely empowered as a "HOMO DEMON".  My new drag name perhaps?

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